Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pity Le Le is Sick...

ouo.... pity Le Le, fall sick last Saturday till Tuesday. Having fever 37.5 degree celcius, flu & a bit of cough. It is so worrying as H1N1 is spreading so fast in M'sia now...

Le Le only finish 1 oz of breast milk on every feeding. You don't like milk but is fine with plain water pulak. Lucky also, at least you're not de-hydrated.

You were crying when you woke up from sleep, should be due to your body not feeling well as having fever.

During this period of time, you're so manja. Stick to mummy. Even after you're sleeping, you still know mummy walk away & you wake up & cry... You can smell mummy izzit? Clever boy.

Today you've recovered from fever, mummy hope you'll recover from flu & cough very soon my dear...

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